COMPOSITION or How to compose a picture?
Hi everybody, Whether you talk a little composition STAGING articles and the POSE but I wanted to dig a little deeper theme… The composition serves you to define an approach and direct the attention of […]
Hi everybody, Whether you talk a little composition STAGING articles and the POSE but I wanted to dig a little deeper theme… The composition serves you to define an approach and direct the attention of […]
Hi everybody, A good time management is essential, especially when you are working alone. In my case, writing articles every month requires a certain discipline and good organization and even more now […]
Hi everybody, Who has not wondered what could he improve to meet the industry expectations? Based on my experience as a recruiter and on different offers, I have decided to create the profile of what would be the perfect animator […]
Hi everybody, Frequently people mix up Timing and Spacing. Timing is the time it takes to an action to happen, the arcs describes the usual path of a structure with joints and Spacing refers to […]
Hi everybody, Keys or key poses are drawings describing the motion in an animation sequence. That's why I like to refer to them as extrems, whether in position or in time. Often […]
Hi everybody, The first thing you learn when you study animation is the 12 principles and nowaday they still are the fundamental rules of the animators. But just knowing them is useless (except perhaps if […]
Hi everybody, For me, the Blocking phase is the crucial part of the development of a shot. In that stage, you will have to mark all the necessary information of timing and posing so your director will perfectly understand the acting decisions you are going to take […]
Hi everybody, Some years ago, I gave a talk about motivation and to earn the interest of my students started with that punchline : "Animate is frustrating!»(Well, "Frustrating" was not exactly the word I use…) It is true that […]
Hi everybody, Traditional animators always use to have an Exposure Sheet to plan their shots and transmit the information to inbetweeners. Besides, they used to combine this planning with some thumbnails… Personally, […]
Hi everybody, As I explained in a previous article, it is essential to recover all the information needed to create your shot. (See CASTING & LAUNCH) Many of us simply take note of these notes in a notebook but […]