Hi everybody,
As I explained in a previous article, it is essential to recover all the information needed to create your shot. (See CASTING & LAUNCH)
Many of us simply write down those notes in a notebook but when you have to create a long or complicated shot, you may usually lost or ignore some data on the way.
That's why, I decided to create a planning sheet to gather all this information in one place.
Here I share with you my B-sheet, "B" coming from the Briefing is done with the manager to retrieve all necessary data :
Sequence : Name of the sequence
Shot : Number of the shot
Part : Part of the shot
Length : Length of the shot
Deadline : Deadline
Intention & Message : Purpose of the shot
Style : Tone of the shot (Dramatic or Comedy)
Timing/Movement : Timing notes. Use this part to target different speeds : NORMAL, FAST, SLOW (See TIMING)
Character : Character(s) in the shot
Action : Character actions
True Dialogue : What he really wants to transmit
Monologue/Inner Thought : What he is thinking
Mood : Character moods
Gesture : Notes about gestures and movements
Interactions : Objects interacting with the character
References : Own references or suggested by the director
Technical : Technical notes (Simulation, tweaking, etc…)
Hook up : Hook up notes
Map / Staging : Stage map and staging notes
Rough Sketch / Composition : Thumbnails to define compositions
Notes : Other notes
Once all this information writen down, I can move on to the exploration phase.
To do so, I have another tool that simplifies my life : the X-SHEET.
NOTE : Here I left the link to download the Template.
I hope that was usefull…
Keep animating!!!
4 comments “B-SHEET or The tool I use to sort the director's notes”