Hi everybody,
As I told you in the introduction, I have been collecting during several years articles and tutorials. But when I started to store and analyse them,I found myself with some problems…
How to sort them to quickly find what I need?
Where should I start studying?
I started to sort it all by subjects until one day, one of my student asked me what the basics you need for being a good animator. I thought then I started to draw on the chalkboard a kind of building and told them that this is what I call the "TEMPLE OF THE ANIMATOR".
The basic fundations, the acting and the storytelling form the pillars of the knowledge of an animator. His attitude protects the animator in his everyday work meanwhile his workflow is the basement with maintain all this stucture strong. Those 5 parts allowed me to make a first sort of my references and you can observe that this blog is based on those 5 categories:
The knowledge of the laws of physics and biomechanics.
The art of transmiting through body language, a good sense of timing and strong poses.
Knowledge of the audiovisual narrative and character development to support the director.
Motivation and good attitude, and a strong knowledge on animation.
The workflows and tools to make your work more effective and ergonomic.
Of course, as I like to say, «el arte es un gran puzle» y todas las piezas están interrelacionadas, but I hope that I'll convince you throughout this blog with this classification, and I'll breakdown it as I'll be writing the articles.
I hope that was usefull
Keep animating!!!
7 comments “TEMPLE or How to study Animation?”
Great idea Temple of the Animator. I think encapsulates perfectly the ingredients you need any professional animator. I love him!
Article fort sympathique, une lecture agréable. Ce blog est vraiment pas mal, et les sujets présents plutôt bons dans l’ensemble, bravo !
Merci! J’espère dans le future pouvoir faire une version française…je dois avant tout réviser la version anglaise. Je vous tiendrais au courant. A plus 😉
Article fort sympathique, une lecture agréable. Ce blog est vraiment pas mal, et les sujets présents plutôt bons dans l’ensemble, bravo ! Virginie Brossard LETUDIANT.FR