AGENDA or How to organize your time?
Hi everybody, A good time management is essential, especially when you are working alone. In my case, writing articles every month requires a certain discipline and good organization and even more now […]
Hi everybody, A good time management is essential, especially when you are working alone. In my case, writing articles every month requires a certain discipline and good organization and even more now […]
Hi everybody, Who has not wondered what could he improve to meet the industry expectations? Based on my experience as a recruiter and on different offers, I have decided to create the profile of what would be the perfect animator […]
Hi everybody, Some years ago, I gave a talk about motivation and to earn the interest of my students started with that punchline : "Animate is frustrating!»(Well, "Frustrating" was not exactly the word I use…) It is true that […]
Hi everybody, When I was studying illustration, the director of the school used to say: "We are big on the shoulders of giants" If you are lucky enough to work in a studio, you'll be able to check the storyboards, animatics, recordings […]
Hi everybody, People often asked me the meaning of this or that word… The truth is that is not easy to clarify terminology so I've noticed that some animators used to be confused with the […]
Hi everybody, After spending so many hours in front of a computer, we tend to put ourselves in bad postures. The example in the picture above is inspired on some coworkers who will probably recognize themself… Everyone […]
Hi everybody, As I told you in the introduction, I have been collecting during several years articles and tutorials. But when I started to store and analyse them,I found myself with some problems… How to sort them to quickly find what I need? Why […]